Fractal Bumhole
Event s arkem fractal bumhole bright

Fractal Bumhole

Organitzat per: Teatro Metamorfosis

TEATRO METAMORFOSIS . Carrer de Tapioles, 12 Veure mapa TEATRO METAMORFOSIS . Carrer de Tapioles, 12 Tria data

Detall de l'esdeveniment

After sell-out shows in London and a glorious time at Glasgow Comedy festival, Fractal Bumhole goes international in Barcelona!!

Journey into the metaf-arse with a plethora of maximalist characters. Arkem takes you through the hole story from the big bang via the origins of humans in a comedic romp from the micro to macro. As sometimes seen at the Edinburgh Fringe, the Royal Vauxhall Tavern, the Young V&A and Glastonbury's The Rabbithole.

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